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Saturday, August 23, 2008

How To Set Up Forex Tracer...

Ok, so you are interested in using Forex Tracer but are a little nervous about how to set it up...

Let me explain the process to you so you can feel more comfortable.

Once you purchase Forex Tracer, you will want to download the totally free Metatrader 4 Forex Trading Platform and start a demo account.

You can download it safely through the following website...

Follow the download instructions and you will be set up with a demo account on which you will run your Forex Tracer software.

Now, simply go to the instructions section in your Forex Tracer installation manual and instructional videos and follow the steps.

If you follow the steps, you should be up and trading on your demo account within about 10 minutes. It is a very simple procedure getting started with Forex Tracer.

Check out how it performs on the demo account, and then move to real money to starting bringing in the real profits.

Have Fun!!!